Thursday, February 25, 2021




Real Name: Howard (Last name unrevealed)
First Appearance: Adventure Into Fear (Vol. 1) #19, December 1973

Powers: Howard the Duck was born on Duckworld, an alternate Earth in another dimension designated Earth-47920 (later re-numbered as Earth-791021). It is inhabited by anthropomorphic water fowl and poultry called Duckworldians, intelligent life evolved from waterfowl. Duckworld resembles mankind's Earth in an astounding number of ways, including the fact that ducks speak English.

Howard's body, like those of his entire race, has similar characteristics to those of both common Earth ducks and common Earth human beings. He has webbed feet, a bill and feathers, but lacks wings. His neurological, urogenital, and musculoskeletal systems are anatomically far closer to man than duck, despite the fact that females of his race are egg-layers. Though possessed of no superhuman powers, Howard has expert knowledge of the little known Duckworld martial art called Quack Fu, and hence is a surprisingly formidable opponent in hand-to-hand combat.

Howard briefly possessed the magical skills and paraphernalia of Dr. Strange. After being bitten by Dracula, Howard temporarily possessed an aversion to sunlight and a pathological thirst for blood, but no other vampire abilities. He has also proficiently utilized voodoo magic items and the Amulet of Pazuzu. While Howard clearly possesses an aptitude for magic, he lacks both the motivation and interest to further develop it.

Howard cannot swim, nor fly (since he lacks wings) and also has an inherent dislike of chickens.

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