Tuesday, February 2, 2021




Real Name: Ororo Munroe
First Appearance: Giant Size X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, May 1975

Powers: Storm has the omega-level mutant ability to manipulate the meteorological energy patterns of the planet she is currently on, allowing her to manipulate and control the weather. She is linked to Earth specifically, and tends to require some time to readjust her powers to the different environments and biospheres of other worlds. Her power can be used in space, but somewhat sporadically. Storm is sensitive to the patterns of electromagnetic energy which influence and guide weather phenomena. She can both mentally and visually recognize how weather patterns are forming, and predict rain, snowstorms, or whatever with extreme accuracy. Storm commands the wind, allowing her to summon anything from a slight breeze to a hurricane force gale. She can form cyclones and tornadoes of various sizes, and direct them to move about at her will. Naturally, she is also able to use the wind to fly.

She is able to form cloud cover on command, blocking out the sun or creating a pea-soup fog at ground level. Storm is then capable of seeding clouds in order to summon any form of precipitation: Rain, sleet, snow, hail, etc. Her power over the wind allows her to aim skyfall at any target, and make it fly almost parallel to the ground if she chooses. She can summon thunder and lightning as well, calling bolts of electricity out of the sky to strike her targets. Combining wind and rain, thunder and lightning can create monsoons and massive storms within a matter of moments. Storm can also ionize the atmosphere around her hands, giving the impressions that she is firing lightning bolts from her own body.

She can manipulate the temperature of her environment, causing sudden heat waves or drop the temperature down to sub-freezing levels.

Storm has used her power over the weather for a number of specific feats as well. She is sensitive to electricity, and can alter her vision so that she perceives her environment solely in terms of electrical flow. Controlled generation of electrical energy can scramble psionic signatures, making her mind more difficult to read or control. She can create a quasi-force field with a pressurized mass of air. She is able to manipulate water, and influence currents and such, but water is a much thicker medium than air and takes a considerable amount of power to affect. Storm also has a certain resistance to the weather effects she generates: Her body is capable of absorbing electricity without harm, and she regulates her body temperature in different climates to remain comfortable despite super-tropical or sub-freezing environments.

Storm has an extraordinary ability for lock and pocket picking, she is also an excellent marksman with handguns.

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