Thursday, February 25, 2021




Real Name: Eros
First Appearance: Iron Man (Vol. 1) #55, February 1973

Powers: Eros is a Titanian Eternal, a genetic splintering of the Eternals of Earth (Homo Sapiens Immortalis). Eros' father and mother, Mentor and Sui-San, are both Eternals. However, only Mentor possesses the full potential of an Earth-born Eternal. Since Sui-San had no access to her cosmic energy, her and Mentor's children were stronger and longer-lived than the Eternals previously living on Titan, but not as powerful or long-lived as the Eternals of Earth.

Eros is suffused with cosmic energy, though, and his reinforced physiology makes him virtually invulnerable to all forms of physical harm. He can still feel pain and be knocked senseless by a certain level of force, however. He has superhuman strength, speed, endurance, and reaction time. Starfox has levitation powers, allowing him to lift and maneuver objects from a distance telekinetically, or produce a gravitational aura around his body, enabling him to fly and propel himself through atmosphere, space, or underwater. Eros has a limited ability to tap the molecule rearranging and energy casting powers of his father's genotype, but rarely employs them at all.

He possesses the ability to manipulate the pleasure center of other sentient beings, a power other Eternals do not possess. Starfox naturally causes others to feel good and cheerful in his presence, and it increases his natural charisma and sex appeal. With slight concentration, Eros can compel people to instinctively trust everything he says and make them willing to do what he suggests, within reason. An overdose of his pleasure principle can send people into a euphoric state, causing them to "bliss out" and become virtually senseless for a time.

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