Friday, February 19, 2021




Real Name: Tabitha Smith
First Appearance: Secret Wars II (Vol. 1) #5, November 1985

Powers: Formerly known as Boom-Boom, Boomer possesses the mutant ability to generate explosive energy. Originally, her power manifested itself as 'time bombs': Tangible spherical energy constructs. Boomer could mentally select the size, detonation time limit, and explosive power of the bomb upon creating it. Her bombs ranged from marbles to beach balls, 3 seconds to 10 seconds, and from firecracker pops to high-octane explosive discharges to duds, designed from manifestation to harmlessly dissipate. Over time, Boomer developed a more loosely packed form of her power: Plasma bombs that were less solid and more energy, exploding on contact instead of rebounding or rolling. She also adopted the use of wrist-launchers to fire her time bombs over a greater distance than she could throw them.

Upon changing her name to Meltdown, she developed a much greater control over her bombs prior to detonation: She no longer required time limits, could disperse any bomb at will, muffle the sound of the explosion, psionically levitate and direct her bombs in the air, and could create time bombs from a short distance away, whereas previously they manifested only in her hands. Her power signature greatly changed with further training, with her learning to control her explosive power after detonation, as opposed to before. She now sets off explosions in her hands and, instead of an omni-directional discharge, she focuses the explosive energy to release itself in controlled directions, creating streamers of destructive force. As it happens, Boomer is now capable of manifesting her power more like a "force blast" in addition to her time bombs. Boomer is a talented thief with covert operations training.

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