Tuesday, February 9, 2021




Real Names: Joanna Cargill (Frenzy); Unrevealed (Punchout)
First Appearances: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #4, May 1986 (Frenzy); The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #235, August 1988 (Punchout)

Powers: Frenzy and Punchout are both mutants whose powers include superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, and invulnerability. The limits of their superhuman strength is unknown (it was originally at Class 10), and their skin, bones, muscles, and internal organs are stronger than steel. This makes them highly resistant to injury, bullets, from temperature extremes, flames, microwave attacks and massive impacts, including falls from airborne vehicles. Only Adamantium blades have pierced Frenzy's skin.

They both have enhanced speed (running up to 65 miles per hour), stamina (capable of peak exertion for several hours), agility, and reflexes.

Both women are exceptionally skilled unarmed combatants and capable aircraft pilots. Under Jean Grey's mind control, Frenzy exhibited an eerily cheerful and idealistic personality with avid knitting skills.

Punchout was a member of the Genoshan Magistrates, law enforcement officers trained in hand-to-hand combat with access to a vast amount of advanced weaponry and equipment. She was a member of an elite group of Magistrates known as the Genoshan Press Gang, mutants that voluntarily chose to serve the Genoshan government, and so avoided undergoing the Mutate Bonding Process which would turn them into mindless slaves.

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