Tuesday, February 2, 2021




Real Name: David Alleyne
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 2) #4, October 2003

Powers: Prodigy is a psychomimetic, his mutant power allows him to assimilate knowledge from the minds of people nearby. He is not a telepath, and cannot pick up on what other people are thinking or read their memories. Instead, his power is based on accumulated factual knowledge, which is stored in a different part of the brain.

His psychomimicry makes David just as knowledgeable about any subject in school as his teachers are. He has learned languages, culinary skill, medicine, world history, even genetics by simply being in the presence of someone with that knowledge. He can even duplicate martial arts abilities through kinetic memory, his body "remembering" the stance and moves of a skilled fighter. This information originally faded from his memory soon after he left the person's vicinity. Prodigy was not always fully aware of how his power was operating, he might suddenly begin speaking in another language as someone comes into his range, and wouldn't always know who he was receiving his information from. Additionally, his power causes him to intuitively read body language, allowing him to sense and anticipate an opponent's attack before it comes, allowing him to avoid it.

After M-Day, David lost his psychomimetic powers, but the Stepford Cuckoos managed to tap his residual memories and coax back to the surface all the information David had ever tapped from the minds of others. He could no longer pick up on new information, but now possessed a vast storehouse of knowledge. He's since regained his power.

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