Wednesday, February 10, 2021




Real Name: Delroy Garrett, Jr.
First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 3) #8, September 1998

Powers: Delroy Garrett, Jr. was a baseline human and former Olympic triathlete who originally possessed no superhuman abilities. He joined a spiritual movement called the Triune Understanding, founded by charismatic speaker Jonathan Tremont.

Tremont's abilities stemmed from one of three mystical shards created by group of three extra-dimensional and phenomenally powerful beings known as the Trion. He developed great powers, which became even stronger after he captured the aged 1950s super-hero known as the 3-D Man (brothers Chuck and Hal Chandler), using their Trion energies to boost his own. Tremont fed off of the 3-D Man's body, but couldn’t completely harness or usurp his energy. He later arranged a process that converted his body completely into the Trion energy and transferred it into Garrett. Deceived into thinking that the Triune Understanding had unlocked his innate superhuman potential, Garrett became both a Triune spokesperson and a costumed super-hero calling himself “Triathlon”.

As Triathlon, Delroy possessed three times the uppermost limits of peak human physical ability. He could lift (press) roughly 1.25 to 1.50 tons and run just over 100 mph, in addition to triple agility, endurance, reaction time, durability, vision, hearing, recuperative powers, etc. When channeling his body’s Trion energy into his eyes, they glow red (left eye) and green (right eye) and enable him to visually perceive and identify extraterrestrial shape-shifting Skrulls in his environment no matter how they disguise themselves.

In the final battle with the mystical threat known as the Triple-Evil, Triathlon absorbed all the Trion energy from Tremont and his brothers, and from the alien hero whose corpse and first shard were entombed in the Evil's dark pyramid. This caused Delroy and the essences of the 3-D Man to become a new Triad, possessing vast amounts of mystical power. Working in tandem as a three-fold being, they defeated the Triple-Evil and took control over its pyramid. The full range of their combined power was not revealed, especially since much of what they did could have been accomplished solely by manipulating the pyramid's powers.

Triathlon and the Chandlers existed in this state as three constantly energized and floating beings, were presumably capable of surviving in the vacuum of space, and could project, absorb, and manipulating energy in a variety of ways. They eventually split apart, with Triathlon maintaining his regular power levels and transforming the Chandlers back to their human forms. Later, Delroy took the name and mantle of the 3-D Man, and began wearing Chuck's flight visor from his old costume. This visor was originally a focus for Delroy’s ability to detect Skrulls.

Delroy Garrett, Jr. had training in the Fifty-State Initiative, granting him leadership abilities, first aid, late-saving techniques, unarmed combat, battle strategy, aquatics, marksmanship, and other skills. A talented motorcyclist, a capable pilot of Avengers supersonic Quinjets, and a skilled wielded of conventional firearms, he’s also taken acting lessons to aid in undercover work. He was also a talented and veteran track-&-field athlete who won three Olympic gold medals prior to being stripped of them for steroid usage.

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