Thursday, February 25, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #99, March 1991

Powers: Shatterstar possesses a hollow bone structure and strengthened muscle mass, giving him heightened strength, speed, agility, endurance, reaction time, vision, and hearing. He also has highly impressive regenerative abilities, allowing him to recover from severe gut wounds in a matter of minutes. Shatterstar has an intuitive learning capacity, enabling him to quickly assimilate various forms of information. He will master any weapon or strategic game within a short time of being first introduced to it. He also has a remarkable ability for learning new languages. In addition, Shatterstar can build up a surge of sonic waves within his body, creating a humming noise that emanates from his position. He then channels it outwards as a vibratory shockwave conducted through the metallurgic properties of his sword. His swords seem specially designed to focus Shatterstar's "force of will" as he calls it, since he can make the blades discharge the blast even when he is not in physical contact with them. Presumably, his swords are especially sensitive to the vibratory frequencies he emits, naturally gathering and channeling the energy.

Shatterstar's original swords were forged from science and magic, making them particularly dangerous. Not only could they cut through most forms of Earth materials, they were also highly effective against mystical beings or barriers. Thus, Shatterstar was able to stab out the eyes of the otherwise magically-impervious Juggernaut. These swords also generated a mild electrical current through the hilt. Shatterstar was immune to the effect, but anyone else attempting to use his blades would find them totally unwieldly, as the blade would jerk and spasm out of their control.

Shatterstar has also demonstrated a newfound ability to teleport. How he developed this ability is unknown but, like his "force of will", it appears to be accomplished through an internal power channeled by his blades. Using another person as a psychic anchor, Shatterstar can focus energy through his swords, causing a portal ("slashway") to appear in mid-air. These slashways can cross continental distances, transporting Shatterstar and others anywhere his anchor is capable of visualizing. He apparently cannot utilize his power alone, and needs the image of his destination to come from another person. Furthermore, the person who acts as his anchor must be someone he has "connected with", although what that means hasn't been fully explained. It requires concentration for Shatterstar to maintain the slashways, and he requires several hours of rest before he can create a second one. Shatterstar's blades have also been redesigned for covert usage, stored on retractable mounts in his sleeves so that they shoot out from his forearm.

*Shatterstar is the biologically conceived son of Longshot and the Dazzler. From his mother's side, this means Shatterstar is half-mutant. From his father, he is also one of the synthetic Wildways Bipeds. But due to a time loop, Shatterstar was studied by Arize, his unique genetic profile mapped and extrapolated in Arize's work. Based on samples taken from Shatterstar, Arize created the Biped known as Longshot. So Shatterstar was naturally fathered by a man who was created based on Shatterstar's genetic material, making Shatterstar his own grandfather.*

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