Tuesday, February 2, 2021




Real Name: Lucas Bishop
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #282, November 1991

Powers: Bishop has the mutant ability to absorb various forms of energy on contact. Once internalized, the energy is normally metabolized into his personal reserves. Energy stored there boosts his natural physical vitality, amplifying his strength, endurance, and reaction time. Despite his enhanced physical build, Bishop's energized strength level easily exceeds a few thousand pounds when fully charged. Physical exertion depletes his additional energy, and he can also release his reserves into bio-concussive blasts generated from his hands. He also occasionally employs plasma rifles which have special conductive grips allowing him to focus his energy into the guns as a power source, using up less energy than his blasts do.

In his early appearances, Bishop demonstrated the power to redirect energy in the same state he had absorbed it. He could, for instance, absorb Storm's lightning and then fire electrical blasts of his own. Bishop was apparently capable of using his personal reserves as raw fuel to feed any energy he was redirecting. In the above situation, this meant he could fire multiple electrical blasts, far more energy than the single lightning bolt he was struck with, by tapping into energies he had previously stored to continue recharging the electrical energy for his use.

He can absorb most kinds of energy, including kinetic, electromagnetic, and psionic. His system works best with active and directed energy signatures, like bio-blasts, laser guns, or electrical power lines. From ambient radiation, sunlight, and static electricity he picks up little to any charge from those sort of passive energies. He also cannot fully overcome solid-based kinetic assaults. Pure kinetic energy blasts or concussive explosions he can adjust to. He can absorb some of the kinetic energy from projectile assaults like bullets or crossbow bolts, but not enough to prevent them from penetrating his flesh. He's also still vulnerable to blunt force trauma or pressure based attacks. He also had a bionic right arm which amplifies his strength, contains retractable wire-guided pincers, and enables time-travel.

Bishop hails from Earth-1191 in an alternate future timeline roughly 100 years from now. In his timeline, he was a member of the X.S.E. (Xavier Security Enforcers), a mutant law enforcement agency inspired by the X-Men. A trained police officer skilled in homicidal investigations, he has many years of armed/unarmed combat training and is a superb marksman.

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