Friday, February 19, 2021




Real Name: Julio Esteban Richter
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #17, June 1987

Powers: Rictor has the mutant ability to generate seismic energy. Originally, his power was solely capable of radiating intense vibrations from his body. Manipulating the intensity of these vibrations would cause anything he touched to shake, shatter, crumble, or even disintegrate if the vibrations were strong enough. They would also destabilize the ground he was walking on, often causing other people to lose their footing. If he was standing on seismically active land, Rictor could potentially create earthquakes and open tectonic plates up if his vibratory waves disturbed the crust. Later, he learned how to focus his vibrations as blasts of vibration from his hands.

Releasing his energy through his hands allows him to focus his emissions into what he calls "vibe-quakes", tightened seismic shockwaves with tremendous concussive force. These vibratory wavelengths could be mentally adjusted by Rictor to fit any different target or effect he wished to create, from blowing out a tire to collapsing entire buildings. He is immune to the harmful effects of his power. He also has at least some level of psychic attunement to geological phenomena, allowing him to “feel” the Earth beneath his feet and detect changes in the environment around him.

Rictor is a capable unarmed combatant and has a natural, but limited capacity for resistance to psychic intrusion in his mind. He has also received combat and military training from Cable and the original X-Factor. He is proficient with firearms, including automatic weapons. He is fluent in English, Spanish, and Cadre Alliance (Shatterstar's native language from Mojoworld).

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