Wednesday, February 17, 2021




Real Name: Roberto Da Costa
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel (Vol. 1) #4, September 1982

Powers: Sunspot has the mutant power to absorb ambient heat and light (especially solar energy) from his environment and into the cells of his body, then converting it into physical power. Originally, the energy conversion created a metabolic surge giving him superhuman strength and extra endurance and resilience. At first, Sunspot could only use his strength at superhuman levels by consciously willing himself to do so, or by becoming so angry that his superhuman energies are released automatically. When utilizing his powers, Sunspot and the clothing he is wearing turn pure black in color and small black spots appear in the air crackling around him. This effect results because even though Sunspot is always automatically absorbing whatever solar energy is around him, the absorption process is considerably stepped up when he is actually using his strength at superhuman levels. Hence, he replenishes his energy as he is using it.

The color black is produced when a substance absorbs (does not reflect) all the colors of light (energies) in the visible spectrum. Therefore, when Sunspot turns black, it signifies that he is absorbing energy from across the entire electromagnetic spectrum at a rapid rate. Sunspot's power somewhat augments his physical resilience to impact when he uses his strength. His stamina is also capable of reaching superhuman levels. Sunspot initially had no capacity for actually storing energy: He would not absorb energy unless he was in his pitch-black form. This meant he had a seriously finite supply of power for his super-strength, and could quickly exhaust it by trying to lift too much or exerting himself for even a short period of time, especially at night when his access to energy was near nil. As he grew older, Sunspot's power became more refined, enabling him to exert greater levels of super-strength while smaller amounts of energy became necessary to support the effect. His peak strength level was Superhuman Class 2.

His powers were altered after being experimented on. His mutant power was reportedly increased by 3000%, making him capable of maintaining his power at day or night indefinitely. His strength level increased to Superhuman Class 50. He also began manifesting his power signature as concussion blasts comprised of dark solar energy, and just before disappearing he used his power to generate thrust in order to fly. However, this led to him missing months in the company of Locus, where he was eventually suborned and taken over by his doppelganger, Reignfire. In a still-unseen occurrence, Cable used his telepathy to break Reignfire's influence over Sunspot's mind, but his powers changed as a result. He no longer seemed to convert solar energy into strength, but instead re-channeled solar energy in a plasma state.

Though "dark solar plasma" technically doesn't exist, it's possible that his solar blasts are dark-colored because they are continuing to feed upon solar energy even after he fires them, sustaining the blasts' energies with extra power. Initially, Sunspot was unable to "come down" from this power surge, and he was so solar-charged that he maintained his pitch-black form for months, even at night or while unconscious. He learned to use his powers to manipulate heat energy, and his flight was now a form of thermal updraft effect like Sunfire or the Torch instead of thrust propulsion. He could also radiate infrared heat into his environment or drain excess sources of heat so as to extinguish fires.

Roberto Da Costa is the CEO of DaCosta International, possessing talents in business and finance. He is multilingual, fluent in English, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, classical Latin, and Askani. He is also a good aircraft pilot, Olympic-level athlete, and an excellent soccer player. He is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant with some training in swordsmanship.

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