Thursday, February 4, 2021




Real Name: Elias Wirtham
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #342, December 1990 (As Wirtham); The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #344, February 1991 (As Cardiac)

Powers: Dr. Elias Wirtham was a cardiologist who converted himself into a cyborg in order to fight criminals who were protected from the legal system. His heart and outer epidermis have been surgically removed, and replaced with an experimental beta particle generator which powers his body and conducts energy through his new Vibranium-mesh skin. He wears a synthetic layer of flesh over the Vibranium mesh to disguise his enhancements. The beta power augments his physical abilities, giving him superhuman strength (up to 15 tons), speed, agility, endurance, and reflexes. His skin is also now highly resistant to impact thanks to its vibration absorbing properties. He can conduct beta particle energy through his skin to destabilize molecules, creating melting or concussive effects. His pulse staff focuses the beta power from his body into long range energy bolts from its tip. He can also summon a mechanical bird which loops its claws under his staff as he holds it lengthwise over his head, lifting him through the air.

Dr. Elias Wirtham holds an M.D. with a specialty in cardiology. A skilled surgeon with vast medical knowledge, his intelligence is extraordinary genius and talented in multiple areas. He possesses business administrative skills and is the owner/operator of a biological research firm.

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