Thursday, February 4, 2021




Real Name: Roxanne Washington
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #171, August 2005

Powers: Bling! is a mutant who was born with a mutation which grants her a crystal-like mineral bodily structure. It is unclear whether she has a fully-functioning silicon-based metabolism, internal organs and structure (like Colossus), or if she is essentially little more than a rock statue, animated by the presence of mutant psychic energy (like Rockslide).

Her unique physiology makes her superhumanly strong and capable of withstanding excess amounts of physical harm. She is also capable of producing crystallized scattershot from her body. Small areas of her skin build up pressure and fracture, creating hardened splinters or shrapnel which blast off from her position, striking targets from a distance and creating a signature “BLING!” sound. It is unclear how much of her body Bling! can devote to the shattering effect at once, but so far the effect has been used only in small, extremely localized areas of her body.

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