Friday, February 5, 2021




Real Name: Dwayne Michael Taylor
First Appearance: The Mighty Thor (Vol. 1) #411, December 1989

Powers: Night Thrasher has the natural ability of psionic protection, a scrambling factor which renders his mind very difficult to detect or probe for telepaths.

As a crime fighter, he is highly trained in various forms of armed and unarmed combat. Initially using only a pair of escrima sticks, he decided to have an entire body armor built for himself in case of superhuman threats. His armor could shield him from point blank machine gun fire and came equipped with hydraulics in the legs enabling him to leap greater heights and distances than a normal person. His helmet is outfitted with a voice scrambler, megaphone, telescopics, night vision, internal oxygen supply, recording tapes, and an ultrasonic hearing system. Each wrist assembly had a retractable shiv blade, in addition to an extendible Adamantium garrotte wire and cayenne pepper spray.

Side packs on his legs stored supplies of ball bearings, spur jacks, magnesium flares, incendiary pellets, acid bombs, smoke capsules, and slap-on explosive mines. He stored a remote computer terminal, two escrima sticks, an Uzi 9mm, and his skateboard on his back. The skateboard could be used for transportation, or it could be strapped onto his forearm as a shield, and had a retractable razor edge on one end which could be used for combat. Later versions of his armor included truncheon launchers -- firing metal pitons as projectiles or wire-guided spikes to set up zip-lines for his to slide on -- and other launching mechanisms for his smoke pellets, flares, explosives, etc. He also included STS short-range missiles and chameleonic paneling letting his suit blend in to the background, such as an all white coloration for snow missions.

He is a highly capable computer hacker with an aptitude for cybernetics. He has also been extensively trained in security counteraction. He is owner and CEO of the Taylor Foundation, a billion-dollar conglomerate of charitable enterprises.

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