Wednesday, February 10, 2021




Real Name: Nezhno Abidemi
First Appearance: New X-Men (Vol. 2) #23, April 2006

Powers: Gentle possesses the mutant power to guide excess energy through his musculature, causing it to expand to massive proportions. The rest of his body expands to some degree with his muscle mass, making him grow to upwards of 9-10 feet tall and at least Class 75 strength or higher. His power continues to grow incrementally every time he uses it, however, and it was originally thought that Gentle would not be able to survive his own full potential. As a result, each time he triggered his strength transformation, Gentle suffered considerable pain and can quickly exhaust himself by exerting his power.

It was inferred that he’d soon die from simply having his power, and each time he used it hastened his demise. Gentle has studied meditative techniques and imprinted his skin with Vibranium tattoos, both of which are used to dampen the overall effect that his mutant power has on his body. It was later revealed that his pain was psychosomatic, and his psychological trauma was cured with Jean Grey’s telepathy. He can now explore his mutant power’s potential without harm.

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