Monday, February 8, 2021




Real Name: Laura Dean (Pathway), Goblyn Dean (Goblyn)
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #48, July 1987 (both)

Powers: Laura Dean and Goblyn were mutant twin sisters whose powers manifested while they were still in the pre-natal stage. Goblyn's physical mutations were apparent on ultrasound scans, and her parents attempted to abort her, but keep Laura. Laura instinctively moved in-between Goblyn and the doctors within the womb, preventing them from hurting her sister. As the birth date arrived, Laura instinctively teleported Goblyn away to another dimension, and so she was the only child "born" that day.

Goblyn grew up feral in the Dreamqueen's Realm where Laura had sent her. By the time she reached adolescence, Goblyn possessed heightened strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, and superhumanly acute senses. She had razor sharp fangs and claws, a thin layer of fur over her skin, red eyes, and an abnormally shaped skull. She retained a psychic link with Laura back on Earth, and the trauma of being separated from her sister so early had led the doctors to diagnose Laura as autistic, completely shut off from reality. Laura's power enabled Goblyn and Laura to switch places whenever Laura was in trouble so that Goblyn could protect her, transpositioning the sisters between the Dreamqueen's Realm (Liveworld, as they called it) and Earth (Deadworld).

Working with Alpha Flight helped treat Laura’s autism, and she eventually learned how to use her teleportation powers consciously, for things other than exchanging with Goblyn. As Pathway, she has the mutant power to psionically create wormhole apertures between two points in space at will. She can transport herself and others between dimensions and across the galaxy. She can close any portal that she originally opened and can create these portals anywhere within her line-of-sight. Her power was purely extra-dimensional in nature, requiring her to teleport to another dimension first before teleporting back to Earth at a different location than she started from.

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