Thursday, February 18, 2021




Real Name: Rahne Sinclair
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel (Vol. 1) #4, September 1982

Powers: Wolfsbane is a mutant lycanthrope, able to transform from a human into a wolf or a series of transitional stages between the two animals.

Originally, she changed into a wolf quite frequently for battle and also relied on only a single transitional form, similar to a typical werewolf, where she had heightened strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, and razor sharp claws. In all of her states, she possesses accelerated healing and heightened senses enabling her to hear whispers across a noisy room and perceive the infrared and ultraviolet portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, track people by scent, and perceive changes in their emotional states by monitoring their scent and heat patterns.

In all forms, she retains her human intelligence. But her thought processes become more animalistic in direct proportion to her lupine forms, feeling fewer doubts and acting more instinctively. After being converted into a docile Mutate by the Genoshan Genegineer, Wolfsbane managed to exert her own free will only by staying out of her full-human form. She briefly demonstrated the ability to become an 8' ft tall super-werewolf, but this change to her powers was quickly forgotten. Instead, Rahne began using her power to assume multiple wolfen states that blended different levels of human and lupine characteristics. She could look completely normal except for a thin layer of brown fur, to assuming forms with an extended canine snout, the elongated feet of dogs, different types of tails, various shapes and sharpness of claws, etc. Her strength, agility, and other physical abilities all fluctuated depending on the form she's in. Through the aid of Haven, Wolfsbane was cured of the Mutate process and able to return to her human appearance without becoming a mindless automaton. She lost her powers for a period of time due to the Neutralizer, but they were later restored by the healing mutant known as Elixir.

She has later underwent a secondary mutation which allows her to mass-shift into a full-sized pack of wolves. Thus far, she has divided herself in a set of five wolves, each possessing the same abilities of Rahne-prime in her wolf form and seemingly capable of thought, feeling, and action (though it is reasonable to assume that Rahne is spreading her consciousness among the five).

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