Monday, February 8, 2021





Real Names: Jesse Aaronson (Bedlam); Christopher Aaronson (King Bedlam)
First Appearances: X-Force (Vol. 1) #82, October 1998 (Bedlam); X-Force (Vol. 1) #87, March 1999 (King Bedlam)

Powers: Jesse and Chris Aaronson are brothers whose mutant abilities emanate energy waves that create disturbances in specific energy signals.

Bedlam’s mutant power generated electromagnetic interference, scrambling any electronic device in his range that he focused on. He could use his power to disrupt various form of machinery, from as simple as popping open an electronic lock to crashing an entire power plant or computer network. Through practice, he learned how to produce a neural EMP, an electromagnetic pulse attuned to the electro-chemical processes of the human brain, temporarily shutting down the minds of any living thing caught in his blast radius. Through precision and skill, Bedlam could use his mutant power to trigger certain responses in the human body that are controlled by electro-chemical activity, like pain. Bedlam was also sensitive to electromagnetic waves, enabling him to detect the presence of electronic systems and pick up certain transmitting wavelengths mentally.

King Bedlam has the mutant ability to produce telepathic interference. This psionic effect protects his own mind from being manipulated by telepaths and can be projected outwards to disorient and disable his opponents. People affected by his mental attacks may become incapable of concentrating on any conscious action, and might even be completely disabled to the point where they can't even stand up, collapsing into a semi-conscious heap. A signature of his power is that the victims begin randomly speaking disconnected words.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

*Their Earth-295 (Age of Apocalypse) counterparts debuted years before the 616 versions, in Factor X (Vol. 1) #1, March 1995.