Sunday, February 21, 2021




Real Name: Cameron Hodge
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #1, February 1986

Powers: Cameron Hodge was originally a normal human with no superhuman powers. He holds a Juris Doctorate and was a well-trained lawyer with gifted-level intelligence. He was a good public relations director and advertising executive with some mechanical engineering experience. He was the founder of The Right, an organization dedicated to eliminating superhuman mutants.

The Right employed all-encompassing body armor, which provided their soldiers with exoskeletal-augmented strength, a resistance to physical injury, boot rockets for flight, and offensive capabilities. Primarily, they used submachine guns on shoulder mounts, but micro-rockets and concussive blasters also rotated into use. Cameron Hodge made use of these standard armor or his personal Right Commander armor, which was presumably augmented further. He also wore a special armor for fighting Cyclops, a ruby quartz crystal suit immune to Scott's optic blasts that refracted his blast harmlessly away.

Hodge made a pact for immortality with the demon N’astirh prior to the events of Inferno, which has remained active since. He was later decapitated by Archangel, but that head remained alive and animated. He grafted it onto a cyborg scorpion exo-frame during this time in the mutant slave-island nation of Genosha.

This body was enormous, possessing great strength and a series of tentacles to grab, manipulate, or restrain targets. A phasing circuit allowed his bulk to become intangible, passing through walls and floors or untouchable to physical attack. It employed different weapon systems deployed from the tail stinger or elsewhere on the cybernetics, including bolt casters, force beams, and electrical attacks.

For a time, Hodge was exposed to the Transmode Virus and assimilated by the techno-organic Phalanx into their collective consciousness. He possessed all the traditional powers of the Phalanx during this period (techno-organic strength, speed, endurance, and reflexes, restructuring his body into different shapes, absorb matter into himself to increase his mass, manifest offensive weaponry, infect matter with the Transmode Virus), along with a level of independence greater than the average drone.

Bastion and Eli Bard revived him with a new variant of the techno-organic virus, restoring his original human body. However, he later severed his own head in order to attach it to a reconstructed version of his cyborg scorpion body.

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