Thursday, February 25, 2021




Real Name: Alison Blaire
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #130, February 1980

Powers: The Dazzler’s mutant power is the ability to absorb ambient sonic vibrations into her body and convert them into a "cascading release of photons" which takes the shape of various forms of light wave emissions. She can consciously control the frequency (color), amplitude (direction), duration, and intensity of the light she produces.

Originally, she required a constant source of sonic waves to use her powers, transforming sound directly into light. However, after attempting to process the close quarters roaring of a jumbo jet engine, the Dazzler's metabolism was altered so that she could store up sound within her body to be converted into light effects at a later time. She can produce light from her entire body or parts of it in various colors, pulsations, and levels of intensity, from a mild glow to a blinding glare. Manipulating the way her light pulsates can render people unconscious, disrupt their sense of equilibrium, or even send them into a temporary comatose state as their minds simply shut down from the overdose of sensory information. The Dazzler can also use hypnotic patterns of light to alter emotional states, projecting a calm serenity into a crowd or driving them into a raging frenzy.

For offensive purposes, she is capable of firing high-impact photon packets or focused laser beams capable of cutting through steel. She can generate force fields of laser light energy which will either deflect projectiles or atomize anything that they come into contact with. By concentrating, the Dazzler is able to form realistic looking holographic projections out of her light, and animate them to move according to her will. Or extremely rare occasions, she has been able to fly through a form of directed thrust. She can also produce a "light fog" into her environment which acts as an opaque screen, preventing anyone from seeing through it except for her. More recently, she has also demonstrated the power to create hard-light fields, shaping solid constructs like staffs, blades, or shields.

She also possesses a natural resistance to the adverse effects of intense light and sound, and so cannot be blinded or deafened by any level of glare or volume. On one single occasion, the Dazzler demonstrated the power to re-channel sound waves without converting them into light first, creating a sonic blast. Inexplicably, the Dazzler has also begun demonstrating the capacity for self-resurrection. She has died several times in the recent past, yet her body has fully restored itself to life within a matter of hours each time. Also, the Dazzler cannot use the sound of her own voice, amplified or not, to create light.

Alison Blaire is a talented singer, actress, and dancer. She is also a highly skilled athlete and a highly accomplished roller skater.

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