Wednesday, February 10, 2021




Real Name: Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #316, September 1994 (Twins posing as her); Generation X (Vol. 1) #1, November 1994 (as Penance); Generation X (Vol. 1) #40, July 1998 (as herself)

Powers: M’s mutant power is that her mental and physical attributes conform to her notion of an ideal self. As such, she possesses Superhuman Class 50 strength, superhuman speed, endurance, reflexes, vision, hearing, intelligence, near-invulnerability, flight, and telepathy. She is fast enough to grab bullets out of the air and throw them back through a target at full speed. Her speed and advanced perceptual abilities allow her to search an entire filing cabinet in seconds to locate a single file. Monet also has a photographic memory, encyclopedic knowledge, and the ability to intuitively analyze any technological device, acquiring expert skill at operating it within moments. When her twin sisters were posing as her, the autistic twin Claudette would often take control of their shared body when the situation required M to focus on a problem or concentrate deeply. With her telepathy, she has demonstrated the power to read the minds of other people, project her consciousness into the astral plane, withstand psychic pressure exerted on her by other telepaths, plant powerful illusions in the minds of others, wipe their memories, or force them to fall asleep.

If was often suggested early on that M's physical powers were just an expression of tactile telekinesis. Later, Monet demonstrated actual telekinesis, applying force to matter over a distance without touching it. Whether she will demonstrate greater telekinetic abilities over time is unclear. She can also now assume the "Penance" form, with her mass compressing and restricting around her bones, creating an atrophied look. This transformation gives her skin a dark red coloration, which also making it razor sharp and diamond hard.

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