Tuesday, February 2, 2021




Real Name: Japheth
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #345, June 1997

Powers: Maggott’s mutant ability is actually his mutated digestive system, which exists as two symbiotic slug-like creatures in a hollowed out cavity in his gut. To release the slugs, Maggott has them gnaw their way out through his front. The slugs would expand to nearly twice their original size when they reach the open air, and secrete a chemical slime while exiting which enables Maggott's gut to reseal itself moments after they depart.

The slugs appear techno-organic and Maggott named them “Eany” and “Meany”. Once active, the slugs possess a level of sentience of their own, but respond to Maggott's mental and verbal commands as well. Each slug has a multi-jointed jaw and is capable of producing acidic fluids enabling it to rapidly chew through and digest virtually any form of solid matter in its path. This process transmitted food energy back to Maggott which increases his stature, giving his skin a blue pigment, and augmenting his muscle mass to superhuman levels of strength.

Because of his mutated digestive system, Maggott can't eat like a regular person, the slugs have to eat for him. In order for him to actually survive, however, Maggott has to allow the slugs to bore their way back into his stomach cavity and release the nutrients they ingested inside his system. Upon re-entry, the slugs' chemical secretions reseal the gaping hole in his gut as well. It is a painful process which Maggott has to endure at least five times a day.

He also seemed to possess an unexplained psychometric power enabling him to draw psychic imprints from his environment, replaying in his mind's-eye events which once took place in his general vicinity.

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