Friday, February 5, 2021




Real Name: Silhouette Chord
First Appearance: The New Warriors (Vol. 1) #2, August 1990

Powers: Silhouette is one of the Children of the Pact, the prophesied offspring of a meeting of men from the west and women from the Temple of the Dragon's Breadth in Kampuchea. Her grandmother, Tai, was the instigator of the Pact. Silhouette has enhanced levels of strength, agility, endurance, and reflexes, which still enable her to be an effective melee combatant despite her crippled legs. She is a shadow teleporter, able to instantly travel from one patch of darkness to another by using shadows to melt into and out of the Darkforce Dimension. She can transport herself, living beings, and matter composed of unstable molecules in this manner. Sometime after first learning of her powers, Silhouette began experimenting with drawing Darkforce into our dimension as opposed to sending herself into its dimension. By merging with the Darkforce here on Earth, Silhouette was able to fly as a semi-tangible living shadow, and could potentially animate her legs again. She also began using her power offensively, reaching into one patch of shadow and out of the darkness inside the human body, grabbing at and possibly removing someone's organs with one yank.

Silhouette wears a special set of crutches designed for her by Night Thrasher and the Taylor Foundation. They were equipped with a taser charge that electrified her opponents on contact, a retractable needle on each tip which administered an anesthetic drug, and smoke pellets to confuse her opponents and create greater areas of darkness for her to make use of.

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