Saturday, February 6, 2021




Real Name: Colin Ashworth Hume
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #87, August 1990

Powers: Windshear possesses the mutant ability to manipulate ambient air molecules in order to create solidified constructs out of them. The “hard air” constructs are transparent, but possess as much solidity as he desires, from the cushioning of a pillow to the strength of hardened steel. Windshear can create simple forms from his “hard air” such as barriers, domes, battering rams, or more complicated shapes like furniture and art. He could also cause his “hard air” molecules to solidify in such a way that they possess concussive force, solidifying the air in someone's throat to make them pass out or asphyxiate, and suddenly converting all the air of his environment entirely into hard-air, causing an explosive compression. He can also can utilize them for flight propulsion. The "hard-air" is virtually invisible in darkness, taking on only a sparkling translucency in direct light. Destruction of his "hard air" constructs caused Windshear pain via a psionic backlash.

While working as a special operative for the Super Human Division of Roxxon Oil's United Kingdom branch, Windshear wore a suit of armor that enhanced his resistance to injury and increased his strength. Turbo-jets built into the armor allowed him to better control his power's projections. The suit also contained a helmet-mounted radio communicator, as well as a retractable tinted plexiglass protective face-plate. After joining Alpha Flight, he wore a modified version of his armor. This armor enhanced his durability and strength into superhuman levels (Class 10 for strength) and his flight capacity was enhanced into the subsonic range.

Though the "hard air" originally dissolved after a time, Colin eventually found a way to make them permanent. He had a talent for sculpting his "hard air" and sold them as furniture, art pieces, and crafts from out of a boutique in London. He was also well-versed in combating tanker fires before he was depowered on M-Day.

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