Thursday, February 25, 2021




Real Name: Longshot
First Appearance: Longshot (Vol. 1) #1, September 1985

Powers: Longshot is an artificially engineered humanoid designed by Mojoverse scientist Arize to have a strong sense of self along with certain superhuman powers. He possesses only three fingers and a thumb on each hand, a hollow bone structure like a bird, leathery skin, and strengthened muscle mass like an Earth human, giving him heightened agility and reflexes. He possesses excellent accuracy and hand-eye coordination, making him an excellent shot with his grappling lines and supply of throwing knives.

Longshot has psychometric powers enabling him to read the psychic imprints left on physical objects by sentient beings. By touching an object, Longshot can recreate in his mind any scene that has taken place around the object in the past. This allows him to view past events so long as they were in the immediate vicinity of the object. He can also read whatever thoughts and emotions other people were experiencing while they were touching the object in the past. This acts like mind-reading by proxy, allowing him to know anything a person was thinking about while they were in contact with the object. Longshot is also capable of picking up on future thoughts and emotions if someone is destined to touch the same object again at a later date. This only works if there is a previously-established imprint, meaning he can't pick up on future thoughts from people who will not touch the item for the first time until sometime later. Longshot's power also allows him to read surface level thoughts and some future impressions directly from other people when he touches them. He can also read the objects history, as well.

Longshot's "luck" ability is a powerful psionic probability-altering effect that actually gathers "luck" around him like a quantifiable factor -- somehow it "absorbs" favorable probability from the environment, making Longshot extraordinarily lucky while rendering everyone else around him less lucky than before. This can even cause others to experience negative probability events, or "bad luck", as long as he's around. Longshot's luck guides him in whatever he does, allowing him to take phenomenal risks and come out on top, miraculously avoid injury, and foul up whatever opponent or force comes against him. The nebulous nature of this ability originally had a limitation: It used to be that only when he is pure of heart and motive can his luck function. However, Longshot's "luck" leaves him whenever he acts out of selfish desires. He seems to have broken that limit in recent years.

Longshot is also sensitive to hearing “voices” of the dead and when he employs one of his powers, his left eye glows with a bright light.

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