Tuesday, February 9, 2021




Real Name: Tike Alicar
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #116, July 2001

Powers: The Anarchist possesses the mutant ability to produce sweat from his pores that, upon exposure to the atmosphere, converts into a substance that acts similarly to a molecular acid, eating through most forms of matter. He has a certain degree of control over his sweat, as he could touch people without burning them, and is able to use the sweat on a pair of dice he touches to control how they rolled. The acid he produces also converts to energy, and can be released as devastating blasts of burning, exploding force from his hands.

To conceal the fact that he needs prescription glasses, Tike wears a special visor as part of his costume. He is also afflicted with obsessive-compulsive disorder which was exacerbated by his mutant power manifestation.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Raised by a White family in Alaska, Tike felt alienated and developed OCD, the outward signs for both shown by his need to constantly wash his hands, hoping to wash his skin color away. This is how he discovered his mutant power.

With the media satirizing X-Force line-up, he played the role of the angry abrasive Black man.