Monday, February 22, 2021




Real Name: Inapplicable
First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 3) #42, July 2001

Powers: Eons ago, a group of three extra-dimensional entities known as the Trion were the supreme beings of their universe, as well as its underlying substance. To protect their realm, they realized that they had to purge all evil from their being. The Trion successfully imprisoned their capacity for evil into an ebony sphere, however a tiny fragment of that sphere entered a rift in reality and entered the 616-Universe, where it drifted through space for countless millennia as a living thing of pure malevolence.

Taking the shape of an ebony pyramid, this “Triple-Evil” overwhelmed and assimilated space-faring beings, armies, planets, and even interstellar empires. The bodies of its fallen foes were reanimated as zombies for the Triple-Evil, while technology taken by the Triple-Evil were incorporated into its structure, expanding its pyramid into an immense organic machine complex. The Triple-Evil also absorbed the life energy of the many people it destroyed outright, amassing a near limitless power source.

The Triple-Evil was capable of nearly infinite feats. It could travel as fast as Quasar or the Living Lightning, fire incredibly powerful energy blasts, and repair and rebuild itself almost immediately after being damaged. It could project a hologram of a user at many times the user's size. One of its biggest abilities was its abilities to corrupt souls of others and then absorb them into itself. It bombarded resistance against it with illusions of their fondest dreams, and then corrupted them.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Realizing how badly they had erred, the Trion released three small pyramid-shaped shards of pure goodness into the 616-universe to seek out and defeat the Triple-Evil. These shards would grant great power to champions in order to combat the threat. Like the Triple-Evil itself, these shards drifted through space for untold ages.

One shard was found by an unnamed alien, who attempted to confront the Triple-Evil on his own only to be consumed by it, along with his shard.

The second shard was found by the Skrulls in the Andromeda Galaxy, and used to power an experimental stardrive that ultimately bestowed powers on two Earth humans to create the 3-D Man super-hero in the late 1950's.

The third shard came to Earth directly and landed in the Himalayas, and three young brothers in a nearby village were affected by its energies to gain fledgling powers. The two oldest brothers died, but their spirits lived on through the youngest, who absorbed the third shard as an adult and became the superhuman Triune Understanding founder Jonathan Tremont.

Long story short, the Avenger known as Triathlon (and later the new 3D Man) later combined all three shards and put the Triple-Evil down for good.