Saturday, September 11, 2021




Real Name: Yukotujakzurjimazoata
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 3) #1, May 2004

Powers: Yukon Jack is the prince of an isolated society of people living in the wilds of Canada. These people (or at least the royalty) seem to possess mystical powers. Yukon Jack has enhanced strength, agility, endurance, reaction time, and resilience. He is able to generate a form of light from his palm, sufficient to illuminate a pitch black environment. His body is adorned with patterns of bone which can be animated for use offensively. The bone plates detach on their own accord, with the stylized "centerpieces" of the designs moving to his hands while trailing vertebrate-like shards of bone in an animated straight line out from these centers. Jack can then direct these lines of razor sharp bone to lash or slash at targets from a distance, mystically extending the lengths of these bone shard lines and undulating them like whips.

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