Wednesday, September 22, 2021




Real Name: Jalome Beacher
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #272, January 1986

Powers: A baseline human with no superhuman powers, Jalome Beacher was a chemical engineer for Beemont Manufacturing R&D who developed a completely frictionless chemical coating to revolutionize the non-stick frying pan industry. Fired from the company before he could announce his discovery, Beacher sought to raise cash to create his own company. Seeing no other option, he donned a speed skater costume treated with his miracle coating and became the bank robber Slyde.

Slyde's costume and boots are coated in a friction-eliminating chemical that allows him to skate rapidly over any surface. He can move at up to 30 miles per hour and is highly maneuverable, able to turn swiftly by shifting his weight or grabbing a stationary object to twist around. His costume also prevents others from grasping him, and stops Spider-Man's webbing from sticking. His gloves have uncoated pads, allowing him to grasp objects. His boots' tips are sharpened, allowing him to slice objects. He briefly carried a sword and shuriken, but demonstrated no skill in using them.

Jalome Beacher is a talented chemical engineer with a masters degree in chemical engineering.

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