Wednesday, September 1, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense (Vol. 1) #82, October 1966

Powers: The Super-Adaptoid is an android constructed by scientists from the Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) using S.H.I.E.L.D. Life Model Decoy technology as a base. Created specifically as a weapon against A.I.M.'s superhuman adversaries, the Super-Adaptoid was artificialy endowed with the capacity to duplicate the abilities or superhuman powers of other beings that pass within ten feet of the scanning instruments in its eyes. The android's body is composed of "unstable molecules", artificial compounds discovered by Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four, which can take on a diverse number of properties. A.I.M. developed more complex unstable molecules than Richards did and were able to incorporate self-programming psionically-triggered molecules capable of vast reorganization..

The photo-electric circuits in its eyes enable the robot to scan people and fully recorded them into its databanks. The scanning process is invisible to the naked eye and takes only a few seconds. After completion, the Adaptoid can recall its stored characteristics at any later date. It can fully reconfigure its shape to match the target of its focus, duplicate any and all superhuman abilities and fighting skills, and even manifest weapons and devices directly from its pseudo-flesh. When adapting a single individual, the Adaptoid can mimic that person perfectly, down to the fingerprints and retina patterns. When manifesting multiple active files at once, however, the Adaptoid tends to take on a green hue while shaping itself into a composite of the various appearances of its opponents. The Super-Adaptoid can maintain at least nine different recorded ability sets on active status, and has the power to combine them: for instance, he can hit as hard as Thor and Hercules combined. However, it has been proven that he will overload and short circuit if he tries to employ more than two power sets simultaneously. Even outside of its adapting power, the Super-Adaptoid is phenomenally resistant to harm. The android can have a large hole blasted through its chest, or be reduced to a liquid state by powerful acid, and can still restore its unstable molecules to a normal humanoid state. Finally, the Adaptoid apparently has the odd and never truly utilized ability to transform others into Adaptoids. By projecting electric rays from his hands, he can reconstruct a willing being into an artificial entity made of unstable molecules just as he is, and render them completely under his control.

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