Wednesday, September 22, 2021




Real Name: Jacob Eichorn (Styx); Gerald Stone (Stone)
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #309, November 1988

Powers: Unemployed and homeless, Jacob Eichorn was hired by a medical research firm to participate in pharmaceutical experiments in search of a cure for the common cold. One researcher, bio-technician Gerald Stone, pursued his own unauthorized project to develop a cancer vaccine by incubating a mutated cancer compound in a human test subject. Stone talked Eichorn into submitting to the test, which gave the latter immunity to diseases. However, it also affected his sanity, turning him into a living cancer able to kill organic matter with a touch. Stone created high-powered weaponry and a flying "turbo-hopper" and joined Eichorn (now calling himself "Styx") as a mercenary assassin, hoping to supervise Eichorn's deadly urges and put their earnings towards finding a cure.

A living cancer, Styx can rot and kill all organic matter upon physical contact, deriving pleasure from the experience. His fingers elongate when he reaches out. He must touch the victim directly for his power to operate; for instance, Spider-Man's mask was a sufficient barrier against him.

Stone is a baseline human with superhuman powers but designed and uses a flying "turbo hopper" platform, and a dual gun construct that he wears atop his shoulders. One gun fires projectiles such as gas pellets, chains, steel cable, adhesive gel and glue. The other fires beam weapons such as sonic waves, a strobe burst and a heat-generating "nova beam".

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