Sunday, September 19, 2021




Real Name: Norman G. Fester
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #36, May 1966

Powers: Originally a baseline human with no superhuman powers, Norman G. Fester obtained a radioactive meteor and accidentally opened a gas pocket which mutated his physiology, granting him superhuman strength. Adopting a costume, dazzle gun, and a helium balloon backpack, Norton became the Looter, going on a crime spree.

The Looter possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift up to 20 tons and can leap 15 feet from a standing start. His dazzle gun emits blinding light. He's worn a backpack containing a balloon that can be filled from a helium canister, carrying him aloft. He has also used a microwave backpack, a wave motion gun, cybernetic enhancements that increased his strength and allowed him to access and disable any computerized security system, other villains' weapons, the Meteorator 300 and a meteor gun that did absolutely nothing. Although Norton claimed the meteor magnified his intelligence, that appears to be part of his delusion.

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