Thursday, September 2, 2021



Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Captain Marvel (Vol. 1) #28, September 1973

Powers: Eon was a sentient, quasi-physical entity, roughly 20 feet in height, that resembled a tree with certain humanoid features and possessed great power and considerable knowl­edge of the cosmos. Almost as old as the universe itself, Eon was among the first sentient entities formed in the wake of the Big Bang and has ex­isted for 8 billion years. Eon claimed to be the offspring of Eternity, which is the entity that embodies all life forces in the universe, the Celestial Axis, which is the pattern of organic energy threading itself through the known universe, and Time itself, which appears to be another aspect of the entity called Eternity.

Eon dwelled in a pocket dimension adjacent to Earth's universe, from which it could observe this universe. However, Eon could materialize anywhere in the uni­verse it chooses. Eon appeared to be a sort of cosmic custodian that monitors life in the universe. Beings with an abundance of power particularly attracted Eon 's at­tention. Eon is believed to be respon­sible for certain phenomena on Earth, a planet that lies along the Ce­lestial Axis. Eon apparently had something to do with certain other di­mensions in which beings of godlike powers dwell. In most of these di­mensions, the Celestial Axis mani­fests itself as a physical object. In the dimension of Asgard, for example, the Celestial Axis becomes Yggdrasil the World Tree.

Eon's principal function was to nur­ture the evolution of the sentient life forms of the universe and to maintain conditions conducive to life within the universe. Eon regarded Earth and its human denizens as having partic­ular importance to the history of the universe. Eon regarded the present time as a crucial one in Earth's his­tory due to the emergence over re­cent decades of growing numbers of superhuman beings. Eon believed that a superhuman race is quickly evolving on Earth that would bring a "golden age" to the entire universe.  

One of Eon's major functions was the appointment of a protector of life in the universe. Since its creation, Eon anticipated major threats to life and chose champions to de­fend the universe against these threats. It is not known how fre­quently Eon appointed these protec­tors, if there is a virtually unbroken progression of them, or if they are only selected when the need arises. Eon appointed numerous such guardians, selecting them from vari­ous sentient races, including one from the Elan. All but one of these champions wore devices called Quantum-Bands, wristbands that Eon created that enable the champions to manip­ulate energy at will and serve as a symbol of his or her station as Protector of the Universe. Eon also be­stowed other powers upon the guardians it has chosen. The first Protector of the Universe that Eon appointed was Glakandar, about 5 billion years ago.

Eon selected Captain Mar-Veil of Kree as a Protector of the Universe. Mar Veil, who distin­guished himself both in the Kree mili­tary and as a defender of Earth was appointed protector to combat the menace of Thanos, one of the Eter­nals of Titan, who sought to destroy the universe. Mar-Veil led the Earth's staunchest champions against Thanos, who ultimately was de­feated by them. Eon granted Mar-Vell the heightened consciousness called "cosmic awareness" to aid him in his crusade against Thanos. Mar-Veil was the only one of the champions chosen by Eon who did not wear the Quantum-Bands, which had fallen into the possession of the costumed Marvel Boy duplicate calling himself the Crusader.

Following Mar-Vell's death from cancer, Eon selected Wendell Elvis Vaughn, also known as the costumed champion Quasar, as the next Protector of the Universe. Quasar had already acquired the wristbands following the Crusader’s death. Eon told Quasar that he was to defend both the universe and Eon itself from an unidentified menace to them both that originates on Earth. To better protect Eon, Quasar brought Eon back to Earth, and concealed it in an office in Four Freedoms Plaza in Manhattan. Eon remained there for a time, advising Quasar in his mis­sion against the unidentified men­ace.

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