Friday, September 3, 2021




Real Name: Klaus Voorhees
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery (Vol. 1) #98, November 1963 (As Cobra); Captain America (Vol. 1) #367, February 1990 (As King Cobra)

Powers: Klaus Voorhees is a Dutch ex-convict who was bitten by a radioactive snake, and while he administered the anti-venom to himself, he developed the proportionate attributes and abilities of a king cobra snake.

As a result, he has superhuman speed, agility, dexterity, reflexes, and developed a highly flexible and resilient molecular structure. The elasticity of his body enables him to absorb the brunt of considerable impact without suffering any harm, providing he adapts to the impact. He can squeeze his malleable body through extremely tight areas, even the barrel of a tank. A bizarre sort of independent muscle control allows King Cobra to move himself without using his limbs: He can lie flat on his stomach and "slither" like a snake to propel himself forward. This is also how he manages to keep moving through tight spaces too small to give him any leverage. He has a move called his "Cobra Grip" where he wraps his body around an opponent and begins to squeeze them. His elasticity and muscle control give him a virtually unbreakable grip and makes this a potentially lethal attack. He molts on occasion, leaving him with a serpentine appearance (scales, yellowed eyes), but his appearance gradually returns to normal.

His costume is coated with slippery chemicals that facilitate his unique motions and make him difficult to properly hold onto. Micro-suction cups in his boots and gloves enables him to climb walls and ceilings, and a spring-fired cable from his chest gives him a line to swing from off of buildings. Once he adopted the King Cobra identity, Voorhees adopted a flexible, blunt-ended tail on his back that normally resembles a cape in design, but adds an extra edge to his "Cobra Grip", allowing him to pummel his enemy with great force using the tail while he holds them immobilized. His wrist-shooters contain his various "Cobra Bite" missile types, including explosive, venomous, smoke-filled, nerve gas-filled, and blindness-inducing. He also once employed a "Cobra Convulsion Pistol" which fired an energy beam that temporarily simulated the neurological symptoms of a cobra's venom in his target's metabolism. As leader of the Serpent Society, he controls their resources (including multiple secret headquarters, Brand Corportation technology capable of creating superhumans, and their flying "Serpent Saucers").

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