Wednesday, September 8, 2021




Roster: Baymax, Fred, Gogo Tomago, Honey Lemon, Hiro Takachiho, Wasabi No-Ginger; (former) Sunfire, Sunpyre, Silver Samurai, Ebon Samurai
First Appearance: Sunfire and Big Hero 6 (Vol. 1) #1, September 1998

History/Powers: When the Japanese government wanted a team of state-sanctioned superhuman operatives at their disposal, a top secret consortium of politicians and businessmen known as the Giri was formed to recruit and train potential superhuman operatives, resulting in Big Hero 6, the official team of super-heroes for the country of Japan.

Hiro Takachiho is a child prodigy and self-taught genius in many advanced fields including computer programming and robotics. He wears a set of cyber-glasses which record everything he sees and hears through his left lens (for future reference), while the right lens is a display screen able to search the internet or call up anything else from Hiro's Core Cyber-Network (CCN), the interactive datastream which connects him to Baymax and all his other creations. Hiro otherwise does not possess any standard weapons or equipment, but uses various tools of his own design depending on the mission at hand. In the past he has employed an electromagnetic pulse gun that can electrify metal and disrupt electronic systems, a glove capable of holographically mapping the surrounding topography and electromagnetic signal traffic, and a personal flight suit. The suit utilized a protective visor, concussive shock blasters in the gauntlets, and a rocket pack for flight.

Baymax is a semi-autonomous android created and programmed by Hiro and containing the personality components of the boy's dead father. He has a highly-advanced internal energy source powered by water, making him efficient and non-polluting. The exact mechanism behind his power source is unknown, but Hiro was once able to reactivate Baymax merely by pouring a glass of water on the inert android. His strength reaches at least Class 75 at maximum efficiency, and his outer armor and internal skeletal structure are composed of a poly-mantium metal alloy: Not as durable as true Adamantium, but infinitely more flexible. Baymax is hooked into Hiro's CCN (Core Cyber-Network), acting as a personal harddrive that is constantly receiving and storing information from Hiro's cyber-glasses. The two are in constant communication with each other through the same network. Baymax is a synthformer, possessing three known configurations he can shift between at a moment's notice. He has a relatively non-descript human form used for day-to-day activities and incognito public appearances. His other two forms, "Battle-Dragon" and "Action-Mecha", increase his size and strength considerably for combat purposes. Besides his dragon claws, other practical differences between Baymax's two combat modes are unknown.

Go-Go Tomago wears a thermochemical exo-suit which allows her to amplify and manipulate kinetic energy in a projective form, or through bio-molecular transconfiguration. By tapping into and magnifying the ambient kinetic energy around her and that of her own movements, Go-Go can surround herself with a kinetic aura. The aura absorbs impact to protect her from various forms of physical harm, and can redirect the accumulated energy as punches of supersonic force or propulsive thrust enabling her to fly. Go-Go's armor can also trigger her transformation into a sphere of pure kinetic energy. In this "powerball" form, Go-Go blasts through the air at high speeds to ricochet off of objects and redirect the kinetic energy from the impact to increase her velocity even further with every hit. She can cause considerable damage and injury by releasing the explosive force gathered in her "powerball" form upon impact with a target.

Honey Lemon carries her Power Purse, which opens up into a series of pocket dimensional spaces. Aiko Miyazaki is a scientist who artificially engineered and stabilized a cluster of miniature wormholes, which are contained in her purse using nano-technological aids. Honey Lemon primarily uses the purse for storage and retrieval: She has accumulated a wide variety of items, from the simple to the cutting edge, and used Pym Particles to shrink them all down to microscopic size so that the items can be placed inside the isolated pockets of space many of her miniature wormholes open into. After that, she has simply to reach into the Power Purse and pull forth any item from her collection. The item rapidly returns to its normal size upon exiting the purse. How Honey Lemon manages to locate each microscopic item at will merely by reaching into her purse is unknown; it's possible her gloves are somehow cybernetically-keyed to find exactly what she's thinking of. Among the items she has summoned are a rocket pack, cellular communicator, telescope, various handguns, parachute, volcano cover, vicious (and probably artificial) woodland creatures, radiation dampening blanket, an elastic net, a bundle of raw necroplasmic energy, and a glass of water. Honey Lemon's wormhole cluster can also open into other-dimensional realms besides the pocket space she uses for storage, allowing her to truly access an infinite number of items throughout the multiverse, although Honey never knows what she might pull out once she begins "rummaging" beyond the cluster of space she normally uses. It is also feasibly possible for Honey Lemon to use her Power Purse for teleportation, folding herself up into the inter-dimensional space of her purse in order to travel from place-to-place, but the problems involved in controlling her destination prevent her from using this feature more often.

Ebon Samurai is the reincarnated spirit of a murdered police officer. His soul cast into a spiritual nether realm after his mortal death, Kioshi Keishicho hastily made a pact with Amatsu Mikaboshi, Japanese God of Evil and Death, to return to the mortal plane and enact bloody vengeance against his murderer, the Silver Samurai. Upon his return, Kioshi found himself permanently encased in black samurai armor and acting as a conduit for a Shinma demon Mikaboshi had bonded to his form. In his current revenant state, it is unknown whether the Ebon Samurai requires food, water, or oxygen to survive, or if he once again suffers injury like a living mortal. He carries a katana empowered by the Shinma demon's essence, making it virtually indestructible and capable of slicing through almost anything. As a side effect, however, Kioshi is subjected to Mikaboshi's evil influence every time he draws the sword, corrupting him further and further over time. The Ebon Samurai also carries shuriken throwing blades and a wakizashi short sword.

The second Sunpyre is actually Princess Lumina of Coronar, one of the sub-atomic worlds of the Microverse. As a Coronaran, she commands atomic flame in a manner very similar to Sunfire. Lumina is capable of radiating various levels of heat and light, and can project fiery pyrotechnics from her hands as plasma blasts. She is also capable of flight by manipulating thermal updrafts and directing an explosive discharge of plasma beneath herself.

Wasabi No-Ginger is able to focus the unidentified Qi energy in order to create small force daggers that he uses as throwing weapons. These daggers can be used as standard projectiles to pierce and penetrate solid targets, but can also embed themselves in living beings without physically cutting them. Instead, the blades create a form of bio-disruptive pulse on contact, leaving the victim physically fine but scrambling their nervous system to force them into unconsciousness.

The otherwise unassuming "Fred" has an unexplained connection to an immense dragon spirit, resembling a red lizard-like monster. When expressing the spirit's power in battle, Fred has shown tremendous strength, superhuman resistance to physical injury, and excessive weight and mass suggesting that his normal frame is somehow as heavy as the full-sized "Fredzilla". Other people occasionally catch a glimpse of the spirit filling and surrounding Fred, especially when he's exerting his power. What exactly the dragon spirit is (an animal totem, Fred's true form hidden behind a human illusion) is unknown.

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