Friday, September 24, 2021



Real Name: Jonathan Darque
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 1) #110, October 1976

Powers: Jonathan Darque was the chief executive officer of a mining company investigating new and cheap sources of energy. His investigations were opposed by environmental activists, who held demonstrations at his trial bore sites. His wife died in a car crash when attempting to evade the activists' blockade. Soon, a class action lawsuit forced Darque to shut down operations entirely. He designed a costume with weaponry to allow him to take revenge.

His costume grants him superhuman strength and durability (especially resistance against heat); his power glove further enhances his striking force. His magma projector fires streams of molten lava or red hot lava rocks faster than the speed of sound, enabling them to pass through a 2-foot thick block of titanium steel. He's used a specially-designed miner's ax, large tank-like weapons able to tunnel through rock or molten lava, and devices able to activate and release dormant tension within the Earth. His visor fires blasts of geothermal energy. His pod fired energy blasts, had limbs able to resist Iron Man, and could resist a liquid nitrogen tank explosion. His agents wore protective armor with gas masks and used energy blasters and anesthetic gas weapons.

Jonathan Darque is a gifted intellect and was the CEO and principal shareholder of a mining company. He holds masters degrees in business administration and mechanical engineering and was an accomplished engineer, strategist, and business administrator.

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