Sunday, September 19, 2021




Real Name: Vincent Stegron
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 1) #19, March 1974

Powers: Originally a baseline human with no superhuman powers, Dr. Vincent Stegron was a research scientist recruited to assist Dr. Curt Connors on a S.H.I.E.L.D. project studying cellular regeneration using dinosaur tissue samples obtained from the Savage Land. Aware that Connors had changed himself into the reptilian Lizard using a lizard extract from a previous, similar study, Vincent stole the samples, fled to the Savage Land and duplicated Connors' experiment, becoming Stegron the Dinosaur Man.

Stegron has superhuman strength (up to Class 25), speed, and reflexed, as well as a thick, bulletproof hide and a spiked tail that he often employs in combat. He can telepathically control a limited number of dinosaurs and related sub-species, and can control less strongly a larger number via screams. His dense body renders him unable to swim, and extreme cold can force hibernation or regression to his human form.

On several occasions, he has used a retro-generation device. The most recent version, small enough to be carried virtually unnoticeable, can temporarily restore dinosaur remains to life, whether they have been dead for hours or millions of years; since fossilized dinosaurs have no DNA and since museum displays of their bones are supported by metal rods within their skeletal remains (not to mention portions of their skeletons often being replaced by fiberglass and plastic), this resurrection effect is presumably some sort of limited temporal regression rather than reanimation.

Dr. Vincent Stegron is a genius intellect who holds a Ph.D. in paleontology. He is an expert in studying the
preserved traces of long dead animals and plants.

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