Thursday, September 30, 2021




Real Name: Belasco (full name unrevealed)
First Appearance: Ka-Zar The Savage (Vol. 1) #11, February 1982

Powers: A powerful Florentine alchemist and sorcerer, Belasco has various demonic features including red horns upon his forehead, a long, pointer tall, reddish skin, fangs, claws, and pointed ears. Belasco lost his right arm when it was servered, under circumstances yet to be revealed, by his own sword, which was forged by the Elder Gods.

Belasco was granted most of his power by the Elder God he serves. Among other feats, he can hurl bolts of mystical force, mesmerize victims, transform people into animals, and raise the dead under certain circumstances. His long studies of the black arts have given him an encyclopedic knowledge of spells that he can use. The Elder Gods also granted Belasco immortality and apparently invulnerability as well. Possibly the only means of killing him is his own sword, which was forged by the Elder Gods and was used to sever his right arm.

Belasco's powers are somehow linked to those of Magik (Illyana Rasputin). When they fought their climactic battle in Limbo, Magik took on a demonic form while simultaneously Belasco reverted to human form, losing most of his power and his invulnerability in the process. It is not known whether Belasco would lose his demonic form and powers whenever Magik takes on her demonic form. Belasco carries a sword forged by the Elder Gods which is capable of harming Belasco himself.

Belasco has considerable knowledge of much of the technology that the pre-cataclysmic Atlanteans found in Pangea.

Belasco was formerly master of the demonic dimension called Limbo. Time does not pass in a physical sense in Belasco's Limbo, and Magik aged seven years while she was there. However, one might spend years in Belasco's Limbo while no more than moments pass on Earth, due to the unknown temporal laws of the former place. The matter within Belasco's Limbo can be shaped and transformed by the thoughts and emotions of the sorcerer who is its master. Belasco's Limbo is populated by demons who serve its master.




Real Name: n/a
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #209, May 1977

Powers: Doughboy is a genetically engineered bio form created by Arnim Zola. He is a non-humanoid bio-form who normally assumes an enormous pie-shaped form with a face consisting of eyes, a mouth, and sometimes a nose, long rubbery arms with only two fingers each, and stalk-like legs with two toes each: His body resembles dough both in appearance and in consistency.

Aside from the above listed attributes, Doughboy possesses an extremely malleable body, enabling him to alter his shape at will. He can alter the color and even the hardness of his body, and once even effectively duplicated the appearance of an Avengers Quinjet.

He can stretch, deform, expand, compress, and flatten all or part of his body at will. Within certain limits, he can use his body to enclose and muffle an explosion and absorb the impact of bullets or other projectiles without harm to himself. His body is highly adhesive and is as viscous as tar. Hence, his body can trap and absorb persons or objects as if it were made of quicksand.

Although Doughboy can be injured, his wounds close immediately without bleeding. Doughboy can shed excess body mass at will and apparently can add to his body mass by absorption of organic matter. Thor once battered Doughboy to pieces, but it is believed that he was able to reform himself.

He has self-levitation for flight. Doughboy has low intelligence and virtually no will of his own. Hence, while he can understand and follow his masters commands he has no creative intelligence. He is apparently incapable of speech.




Real Name: Abdul Qamar
First Appearance: The Incredible Hulk (Vol. 1) #250, August 1980

Powers: Seeking shelter in an underground tomb in the eastern Egyptian desert, Abdul Qamar discovered a magic scimitar and flying carpet which belonged to a 13th century ancestor who had been a champion to his people. Qamar decided to carry on his ancestor's tradition by battling evil as the Arabian Knight.

Possessing no superhuman powers of his own, the Arabian Knight derives power from three magical weapons: A magic carpet, golden scimitar and belt-sash.The Arabian Knight wielded a "magic carpet" that responded solely to his mental commands. The carpet could levitate off the ground and propel itself through the air at any speed that the Knight commanded. The Arabian Knight seldom had it fly beyond the speed at which he could breathe, approximately 90 miles per hour. The carpet could levitate to any height the Knight commanded it, although he hadn't attempted to fly higher than 20,000 feet, the point at which the atmosphere became too thin to breathe. Besides its use as transportation, the carpet could be commanded to perform such feats as wrapping around an object or person, or rolling itself into a cylinder and striking like a whip or battering ram. The carpet, empowered by unknown magical forces, was virtually impervious to harm. 
The Arabian Knight also wielded a golden magic scimitar, which was capable of emitting beams of concussive magical force. The maximum amount of concussive force the sword could emit at one time was not known, nor how long (if at all) it took the sword to "recharge" in between discharges. The Arabian Knight could mentally control the amount of force the sword emits. The sword possessed an enchantment that caused it to discharge magical energy against anyone other than the Knight who touched it. The Knight could also use the scimitar for scimitar and stabbing. It could cut through steel, stone and other hard materials. The scimitar also seems to possess certain anti-magic properties, causing massive damage to magical beings.
The belt-sash at the Arabian Knight's waist could also be animated by mental command to serve as bonds, lariat, whip or climbing rope. It was made of the same substance as the flying carpet and was similarly indestructible. It could magically extend in length to almost ten times its ordinary 8 inch by 4 foot size. The sash seemed to possess anti-magic capabilities such as, for example, exorcising demon-possessed people by wrapping around them.




Real Name: Ares
First Appearance: The Mighty Thor (Vol. 1) #129, June 1966

Powers: As an immortal god, Ares possesses vast strength (up to Class 70) and endurance. His physical capabilities are superior to those of the majority of Olympian gods. He has virtually inexhaustible stamina, and does not tire appreciably after any exertion.

Like all Olympian, Ares is immortal, possessing a life essence that cannot be ended by any conventional means. He can be wounded in battle, but his godly life force gives him incredible recuperative abilities. He can fully recover from penetration wounds (such as by knife, sword, or bullet) in anywhere from minutes to hours, depending on their severity. Only an injury of such magnitude that it incinerates him or disperses a major portion of his bodily molecules could cause him physical death. Even then, his life essence may still be unharmed, and his father Zeus may be able to resurrect him.

As with many gods, he can hear the calls of his worshippers, or those who worship the principle he embodies, allowing him to telepathically sense all outbreaks of war and violence around the globe. Ares also has other godly powers that he rarely uses. Among these are the ability to transport himself to and from Olympus and Earth and walk among the mortals undetected -- in this state, he can only be seen, heard or touched while interacting with other gods. Ares has also demonstrated the power to possess mortal beings, entering their bodies and taking over their actions as his own. Naturally, Ares is a master of combat, both unarmed and in the use of all forms of weaponry. Part of this is his immortal experience, but as the God of War, he can magically draw upon any knowledge of warfare he desires instantaneously. He has made frequent use of axes, swords, and javelins, but in recent times has also begun making use of modern tools such as assault weapons and grenades. Originally, Ares' skill was limited to the use of all implements of war used in the time of ancient Greece and Rome. such as javelins, swords, axes, and flails. Over the years, he has come to master all forms of weaponry, modern and ancient.




Real Name: Lemar Hoskins
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #323, November 1986

Powers: Originally a baseline human with no superhuman powers, Lemar Hoskins was once a wrestler who had been given superhuman strength through a treatment administered by the Power Broker. Hoskins became one of the Bold Urban Commandos, or "Buckies," who wore variations on Captain America's costume and claimed to be supporters of Captain America's rival, John Walker, the Super-Patriot. After being convinced of the racist implications of his "Bucky" identity,  Hoskins took on the new costumed identity of "Battlestar".
Due to the Power Broker's treatment, Battlestar possesses enhanced size and musculature, giving him superhuman strength which enables him to lift (press) roughly ten tons, durability, agility, and stamina. An excellent hand-to-hand combatant, gymnast, and acrobat, he wields a triangular-shaped shield composed of Adamantium.




Real Name: Joseph Cartelli
First Appearance: Dazzler (Vol. 1) #5, July 1981

Powers: Prior to his empowering, Joey Cartelli was a mob enforcer and natural athlete who acquired a belt which generated a protective blue force field. Exposure to the force field amplified his own bio-energy, giving him superhuman strength, speed, and a near-impenetrable force field. With his strength augmented by the belt, the Blue Shield is 10 times stronger than a human being (with approximately Class 10 strength). His reflexes are 10 times that of a normal man and he is able to run at a maximum speed of 50 miles per hour for short lengths of time.

His belt acts upon his bio-energy to generate an oscillating frequency of bio-energy that interacts with nearby atomic particles in a way to generate a self-supporting force field. This field,
which radiates 1 inch from every point on the surface of his body, screens him from objects moving at any speed of light. Hence, projectiles such as bullets and knives would be deflected by the field, as would the fist or body of an assailant. The field does not block out sound, light, and some electromagnetic phenomena. The field is able to absorb the shock of impact of any force up to 1,000 pounds per square inch with out the Blue Shield being buffeted with in the field by the force of impact. The force field, which tends to grow blue with harmless Cherenkov radiation, is imperceptible to the touch from within, but has a warm, spongy feel from the outside.

Initially, Joey needed to wear his belt for his enhancements, but they've become innate after years of repeated and prolonged exposure to the energies.

Monday, September 27, 2021




Real Name: Jonathan Garrett
First Appearance: Elektra Assassin (Vol. 1) #2, September 1986
Powers: A baseline human with a history of repeat offender crimes and imprisonment, Jonathan Garrett somehow became an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. with his past records secretly erased. Already possessing a cybernetic left hand and a steel skull plate from unspecified injuries, Garrett was caught in an explosion set by the mercenary Elektra, necessitating S.H.I.E.L.D. to completely rebuild his body via cybernetic components.

Cybernetic parts have replaced 80% of Garrett's body, including his limbs, spine, heart, liver, and lungs. He has plastic skin and metal bones, a steel plate in his skull, and his muscular system involves pneumatics, hydraulics, and internally-generated electrical power, granting him superhuman strength (approximately Class 5) and durability. He also has a recording device in his skull.

A graduate of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy, John Garrett is a highly skilled combatant, an ingenious tactician, an excellent marksman, and is quite adept with S.H.I.E.L.D. technology. Arrogant and offensive, he has little to no regard for professional protocol or even his own personal hygiene. He utilizes various handguns and is somewhat delusional as a result of Elektra's psychic tampering.