Sunday, August 1, 2021




Real Name: Eva Bell
First Appearance: All-New X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, January 2013

Powers: Tempus has temporal manipulation powers. Her mutant power can generate a time stasis field, relativistically freezing the flow of time within a given area. All people and objects are held immobilized within the field. Her power originally radiated out from her person, influencing her environment in all directions. With practice, she has learned to make specific people inside the field immune to the effect, allowing her and her allies to move about freely, or cast the field remotely over people and objects. She is also capable of traveling through time and space. She can perform simply time skipping, casting herself or another person a few seconds or minutes into the future to avoid attacks or so forth. She can also travel up and down the timestream, moving millions of years in either temporal direction, although her accuracy with time jumps still requires practice. She can also accelerate time to cause rapid aging.

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