Sunday, August 15, 2021




Real Name: Ronald and Michael English
First Appearance: Black Goliath (Vol. 1) #1, February 1976 (Ronald); Marvel Two-In-One (Vol. 1) #85, March 1982 (Michael)

Powers: Orignally baseline humans with no superhuman powers, Cross Technology Enterprises (CTE) employee and his brother Michael developed nucleonic radiators which those used to mutate themselves, taking on the criminal identity of the Atom Smasher.

The English brothers could generate atomic radiation which they could project as heat, concussive force, or hard radiation. Their energies enhanced their durability, and they could also transform into pure energy, though even this form could be contained with lead, graphite, or other radiation dampeners. Each brother also employed multiple similarly costumed agents, trained in combat and operating his equipment.

Michael used a gyrojet to transport stolen materials and employed three Robotrons, 20-foot tall robots each operated by an agent in its head; extremely strong and durable, these robots fired concussive blasts from their heads and lasers from their wrists.

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