Sunday, August 1, 2021




Real Name: Ryoko Sabuki
First Appearance: All-New Invaders (Vol. 1) #6, August 2014

Powers: Known as Radiance in America and Supreme Radiant Friend in Japan, Ryoko Sabuki inherited the energy manipulation powers of her grandmother, Golden Girl/Woman of the Kid Commandos and Invaders during World War II. While her late sister, Goldfire of the Penance Council, manifested heat/flame based abilities, Radiance's powers were a more advanced form of light manipulation closer to her grandmother's. As both a musician and a super-hero, she maintained a "light hearted" public persona similar to Jubilee or Dazzler. Her powers could create dazzling displays of light, used passively to blind or disorient opponents, or merely for entertainment and stage shows. However, Radiance could also use her powers in aggressive ways. She could project laser beams that cut through metal, stimulate molecular activity to induce burning or melting, and form hard light constructs. These could take the form of a tangible battering rams, defensive barriers, or other forms shaped by her mind. Radiance also can create holograms, insubstantial illusions or memories projected from her mind. She is also able to fly by riding currents of light through the air, and can lift other people and objects the same way.

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