Sunday, August 8, 2021





Members: (l to r): Tempus (Eva Bell), Proteus (Kevin MacTaggert), Hope (Hope Summers), Elixir (Joshua Foley), and Goldballs (Fabio Medina)
First Appearance: House of X (Vol. 1) #5, September 2019

Function: In creating the mutant nation-state of Krakoa, five mutants were studied and it was discovered how they could combine their powers in order to facilitate the resurrection of any dead mutant.

To begin, Goldballs creates inert spheres of non-viable biological matter; Proteus alters reality to make those spheres into viable "eggs"; an injection of the deceased mutant's preserved DNA is manipulated to bond with the egg by Elixir; Tempus then ages the biological growth rapidly through time manipulation; all held together in perfect synergy by Hope Summers and her interactive mutation.

Initially, their capabilities topped out at 1,000 mutant resurrections a week, or 200 per day. Furthermore, extensive testing has shown that the Five do not operate under duress, fatigue, or even massive exertion. The more mutants they resurrect, the stronger they become and the easier the process becomes. The experience has been described by the Five as incredibly blissful (but not in a narcotized manner). Originally, the mutant resurrection process took around 48 hours, but the process is shorter.

Additionally, these five mutants appear to have become an inseparable family unit and are almost never apart from one another, their symbiotic process appears to have extended beyond the union of their powers and to the mutants themselves. Some of this could be psychological, as on Krakoa, they are universally revered as cultural paragons.

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