Sunday, August 1, 2021




Real Name: Blake Schiel
First Appearance: X-Men: Battle of the Atom (Vol. 1) #1, November 2013

Powers: Animax has the mutant power to extrapolate human DNA to create new genetic sequences, mutating baseline human physiognomy into wildly different and unexpected forms.

The standard human body is merely one possible outcome of the genetic material contained in its DNA. Different configurations, as well as the unused "junk DNA" stored in human cells from past or unexplored evolutionary outcomes, can potentially be made through combination and rearrangement.

Animax doesn't seem to actually create "lifeforms" -- rather, she applies a blueprint of genetic recoding onto unstable extra-dimensional proto-matter, conjuring her “monsters” out of thin air, and maintaining them only as long as she focuses on them. She doesn't manipulate genes, she merely summons an example of what a manipulated genetic sequence would look like.

Animax's monsters often resemble dragons or dinosaurs, possessing tremendous size, strength, and durability. Because her power is instinctive, Animax's monsters are likely a psychological expression of her own troubled and abused past. After counseling and training, it's possible she could conjure other genetically possible expressions of human DNA.

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