Sunday, August 1, 2021




Real Name: Lin Li
First Appearance: Wolverine & The X-Men (Vol. 2) #1, May 2014

Powers: Nature Girl's mutant power is empathic biota manipulation, allowing her to psionically control and communicate with all forms of flora and fauna in her vicinity. She anthropomorphizes the sensations she receives from these organisms, and believes they're actually talking to her. Like Mirage, she may be establishing a quasi-telepathic rapport with these organisms. She can talk to creatures and derive information from them, or ask them to do things on her behalf. Similarly, she can communicate with trees and other forms of plant-life, causing them to act at her direction and even manipulate them on a molecular level.

Her power may also extend to being able to sense a planet's weather patterns, enabling her to exhibit weather control powers similar to Storm's.

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