Tuesday, August 10, 2021




Real Name: Xanth
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #229, April 1981

Powers: The being who later became known as the Ebon Seeker was originally named "Xanth" and a member of the Moensien race from billions of years in the future of Reality-81049. The Moensians reached an evolutionary, cultural, scientific, and philosophical dead-end. Xanth and his lover Shareen were chosen to explore space for other lifeforms with which to interact with and enrich their stagnant race. After "40 solar years" of searching, they happened upon a derelict ship floating toward a black hole. Despearate to learn of the ship's origins, Xanth pursued, and his and Shareen's craft were pulled into the black hole.

Their ship and bodies
were instantly disintegrated, but their minds lived on as they were pulled into the black hole. Inside the hole, their vaporized life-energies were met by swirling energy-beings of black light, who sought to commune with them. Shareen's life force listened to their voices, and she was reborn as a creature of living light and true peace. The life force that had been Xanth could not listen or comprehend, and was driven mad. He assumed only the darker aspects of the black hole, which consumed him body, mind, and soul. Xanth fled the dark light, and escaped out of the "opposite end" of the black hole, forsaking his Shareen.

Xanth emerged into the physical universe in Reality-616, distant spatially and far earlier temporally from his entry into the black hole. Consumed with completing his mission, Xanth sought life, but his new form was like unto a black hole and, upon contacting a planet, his energy/matter was drained outward, devastating the planet and weakening himself. Upon his death, he destroyed that world and then was reborn in the resultant energies to continue seeking new life, repeating the tragic process allegedly a million times. In addition, the black hole that recreated him began expanding, attempting to reclaim its escaped matter and threatening to prematurely end the universe. Shareen, now known as Firefrost, endlessly pursued Xanth, now known as the Ebon Seeker, to restore his sanity and end the destruction.

Immensely massive, the Ebon Seeker's presence disrupted time and space around him, temporarily causing "reverse video" effects and making it difficult to breathe. He absorbed all force, impact, and matter he contacted. At the same time, he progressively shrunk as he bled off his own energy/matter as tendrils, which ensnared and siphoned power from beings and objects. When his power was depleted, he destroyed the planet around him, regaining his full power in the process. Unaging (and unaffected by fatigue, disease, etc.), he traveled through space's vacuum unaided and communicated telepathically.In reconnecting with Shareen, he may have transformed into a living light being similar to Firefrost.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

The Voyager 2 was a space probe launched by NASA in 1977. Though it's long since left our Solar System, it remains in contact with NASA.

Reed Richards theorized that the Voyager 2 was the very ship Xanth and Shareen encountered in their future.