Sunday, August 15, 2021




Real Name: Awesome Android
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #15, June 1963

Powers: The Awesome Android was the criminal genius Mad Thinker's earliest attempt to create a pseudo-living superhuman servant. The Thinker stole Mr. Fantastic's patented DNA research and
modified it, with a mixture of both synthetic-organic and mechanical components resulting in a pseudo-organic body which was a cross between a robot and a true android. This was made possible, in part, by splicing unstable molecules into the DNA patterns of an ape.

The Awesome Android's unstable molecular tissue and skin can mimic those it makes physical or sensory contact with; originally, it could only copy one ability at a time for about an hour. It could lift around 25 tons without mimicking, was unaffected by gases, could expel hurricane winds from its "mouth" at 180 miles per hour, shape its fists into weapons such as blades or granite blocks, and expand its overall size and mass by 10%.
It could duplicate the Thing's rocky skin, Iceman's ice-armor, Stingray's amphibious wing-flaps, etc.

After an upgrade, it could split into at least 6 multiple forms, each one adapting to fight different opponents, growing vastly in size to match a giant opponent, sprouting wings to battle flying ones, and developing diamond-skin to counter super-strength; however, at this juncture, destroying the Thinker robot controlling it caused feedback, which disabled the Android.

The latest upgrade enabled the Android to mimic any living creature's powers and skills, and to retain multiple abilities for months, perhaps permanently. Powered by atomic energy, the Android can be knocked out by striking a vulnerable motor nerve terminal under the right armpit. The Awesome Android is typically mute, but while working for the law offices of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, & Holliway, it communicated through a chest-top display with a Wi-Fi link to his CPU, allowing to display his thoughts as words.

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