Sunday, August 1, 2021




Real Name: Benjamin Deeds
First Appearance: All-New X-Men (Vol. 1) #3, February 2013

Powers: Benjamin Deeds' mutant ability consists of a complicated form of psychochemical passive camouflage. To clarify, active camouflage is when one can't be seen, but passive camouflage is when one seems like he/she belongs. Examples: Active camouflage would be anything from literally turning invisible to hiding under a tarp. Passive camouflage is when someone infiltrates a hospital by grabbing a lab coat and a clipboard as they walk around. Everyone can see them, but no one thinks anything of it because it doesn't seem out-of-place.

Morph II affects the brain, his own body, and his environment while his power is active. The most obvious aspect of his power is when his body changes to match the features of another person. On close inspection, however, Deeds doesn't mimic the person identically, like Mystique would. Instead, he adopts their more prominent physical features and characteristics (hair color, background, level of attractiveness). This creates a psychological level of comfort in his target, because they subconsciously find his presence familiar. If he moves through his environment without interacting with his target, they may never even acknowledge his presence. Not because he's invisible, but because they are automatically accepting of the fact that he's there.

In one-on-one interaction, Deeds can be very likeable and charming. He produces a psionic influence as well as psychochemical pheromones that bring his target closer to him. Although these aren't aggressive seductive pheromones, they do increase the comfort level of his target so they're more accepting of any lies he tells or requests he makes. In some way, his chemicals affect technology as well as people. He was able to enter into a S.H.I.E.L.D. field office, walk right up to Dum Dum Dugan, and hand him a note from Cyclops. Not only was he not stopped or questioned as he moved into high security areas, but the security cameras and surveillance system didn't register his presence either. Benjamin has recently begun pushing the limits of his powers to achieve true shape-changing, like posing as Andreas von Strucker, but his limits have not been completely established.

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