Tuesday, August 3, 2021



Real Name: Talmadge Cobbleskill
First Appearance: Marvel Comics Presents (Vol. 1) #27, September 1989

Powers: The Peacemonger possesses the mutant ability to detect the negative empathic energy inherent in the hate of others around him. He can detect that emotional energy mentally, and apparently physically and then pinpoints its location and the amount. He can then absorb that energy into his body, directing it into his muscles, causing them to swell and increase his strength, endurance, and durability to superhuman levels. The Peacemonger has been shown to also increase in size, stature and mental instability when empowered. There is no established limit for his strength, though he has been shown to be strong enough to penetrate steel walls, bend metals, and easily rend human bone. However, without any hatred to siphon, the Peacemonger possesses only the size and strength of a regular person his age and build.

Absorbing negative psychic energy may also have had a rejuvenation effect. In his second recorded appearance, he had the appearance and vitality of a much younger man.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

When dudes around him be hatin', my boy gets swoll.

But, much like internet social justice warriors, he loses all power when confronted with rational discourse and a nuanced critique.

He was a Civil Rights activist and dead-ringer for Al Sharpton, he was secretly a mutant. He liked to stir the pot, feeding off of people's hate to further his goals.