Tuesday, August 24, 2021




Real Name: Elektra Natchios
First Appearance: Daredevil (Vol. 1) #168, January 1981

Powers: Typically, Elektra Natchios is a baseline human with no superhuman abilities. She has occasionally demonstrated low-level telekinesis, though it's possible that this may be just an illusion which victims of her mesmerism are led to see. She can communicate telepathically with individuals possessing similar levels of mental discipline, such as the Chaste.

She possesses numerous abilities that border on superhuman. She can control her own autonomic nervous system to a degree, controlling bleeding, fighting infection, etc. She is able to keep to the shadows and move with such speed that she can remain unseen even in broad daylight. She also has demonstrated on occasion the ability to mesmerize others and make them see illusions and other phenomena.

Elektra is a consummate practitioner of the martial arts. She is a mistress of the skills of the ancient ninja of Japan, and an Olympic-level athlete and gymnast. She possesses peak human levels of strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, etc. She is an expert in Ninjtsu and various other martial arts, as well as gymnastics. Elektra wields a pair of three-pronged daggers called sais, though she also is proficient with, and makes use of, a multitude of martial-arts weaponry such as long swords, shruikens (thowing stars), and she is also experienced in the usage of firearms, explosives, and even anti-tank or aircraft artillery.

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