Sunday, August 1, 2021




Real Name: Shilpa Khatri
First Appearance: X-Men: Red (Vol. 1) #1, April 2018

Powers: Trinary has the mutant power of electronic telepathy, giving her the ability to mentally communicate with machines and electronic devices. Her mind interfaces with and copies the properties of electromagnetic signaling, allowing her to sense electronic information being passed or transmitted through her environment, interpret that information, and biologically replicate transmittable signals such as these to control and operate systems that rely upon them.

It's unclear how low-tech a device must be for it to be below her ability to influence. While she can sense and reprogram even signal-responsive nano-technology, electronic devices lacking wi-fi reception or computer programming (such as battery powered or corded devices) may be outside her power scope. She can mentally scan computer harddrives or databases, and can access wirelessly transmitted or "cloud" data. Trinary can exert direct control over computer-based systems or mentally reprogram them to function under new directives after she breaks direct contact.

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